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 memmove()               Move a Block of Bytes

 #include   <string.h>
 #include   <mem.h>

 void       *memmove(destin,source,n);
 void       *destin;                     Destination
 const void *source;                     Source
 size_t     n;                           Number of bytes

    memmove() copies a block of 'n' bytes from 'source' to 'destin'. If
    part of 'destin' and 'source' overlap, so that part of 'source' will
    be overwritten, memmove() ensures that the original 'source' bytes
    are copied correctly.

       Returns:     A pointer to 'destin'.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements copy 100 characters from 'from_buffer' to

           #include <mem.h>

           char *buffr1, *buffr2;


See Also: memcpy() memset() memcmp()
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